As an adoptee myself, I have a sensitivity to healing early abandonment and loss issues. This is the reason I have dedicated my life to helping my clients heal their inner child and live their best most abundant life possible.
Up until now, my transformative healing methods have only been available exclusively through addiction centers and via my private practice. After years of juggling waiting lists and having to turn down clients due to a maxed schedule, I decided it was time to make the Heal the Child Within process available to people just like you who are ready to thrive in all areas of their lives!
I have decided to offer this work in a private virtual group program. The best news is, the results are quicker and are easier to integrate than spending years in talk therapy.
It’s my belief that with the right support, everyone has the capacity to show up and transform their life. It would be my sincere honor to hold space for your healing transformation to take place so you can experience joy and abundance in all areas of your life!
This is your invitation to thrive!